Monday, March 16, 2009

A note on progress

Progress is slightly behind at this point!

This was due to unforseen circumstances though( applications to Dare to be digital take longer than you think).
The project plan has changed vastly from the original submitted with the proposal.
  1. Isosurface construction now just involves searching through the volume data set and removing inside faces. This then generates a list of vertices for the vertex buffer.
  2. Voxelisation ( yes i know i said about voxels but its the best suited term) is now going to be done through the KD tree.
With these two changes in mind the isosurface and voxelisations of the object is now going to be done through the data structures so they go hand in hand and the plan was adjusted accordingly.

I have attached an image of an updated gantt chart. Though as i type this i am now one day behind but that should be sorted with some good old fashioned elbow grease over the next few days.

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